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Realization of cloud strategy

Youpal Group
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Sweden - Remote
June 27, 2024

Azure, Software as a service, Infrastructure as a service, Platform as a service, Oslo, Cloud architect

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Description of the assignment / assistance
Recently, Helse Nord adopted a cloud strategy that applies to the entire group of companies. As the designated authority for the management of ICT services, Helse Nord ICT is responsible for implementing the cloud strategy. The SKY project for the implementation of Helse Nord's cloud strategy aims to establish a foundation for increased usage of public cloud services in a hybrid infrastructure. This will be achieved by creating contractual, organizational, and technical frameworks that enable safe and effective use of cloud services.
The purpose of the assignment is to assist Helse Nord ICT, hereinafter referred to as the Client, in further concretizing and operationalizing the cloud strategy. The SKY project is expected to span several years, with this assignment being one of the initial activities to provide structure and direction to the work. This includes testing cloud services and developing operational versions of governance (guidelines, management and administration documentation) for cloud usage. These activities will build cloud expertise within the Client, inform the future vision for cloud usage, and support related procurement activities.
Helse Nord ICT is seeking a team with expertise in all aspects of cloud transformation, from strategic assessments to establishing governance and technical implementation.
To demonstrate their understanding of the assignment and showcase their expertise in the field, the supplier is also requested to provide their understanding of the assignment, which will be considered in the evaluation process. This should also include an estimate of the resources required for each offered consultant.
The project has so far:
Developed an overarching cloud strategy
Exchanged experiences on "cloud journeys" with a number of other public entities
Mapped dependencies and current usage of cloud services in Helse Nord ICT
Initiated a mapping of all applications in Helse Nord, including applications of the health trusts beyond Helse Nord IKT HF
Established a steering and project group for the project, as well as a broader reference group consisting of cloud stakeholders across the organization
Defined key deliverables as sub-deliverables that the work is
Job Description
I’m looking for a good designer as partner to work together on projects, that wants to expand his knowledge into the UX/UI and product area to collaborate on medium size projects. We will start with 20 hours per week and we might extend to full time after 2-3 months. First project is on financial instruments with blockchain as backend technology.
On-site in United Arab Emirates
Have good communication skills and team working skill.
Know the principal of animation and you can create high quality prototypes.
Following design system guidelines
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