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Youpal Group
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Sweden - Remote
October 13, 2024

Information security, Infrastructure, Network, Communication, Drift, Security, Workshop, Nis2, Tomelilla, Operational Technology

Work Level
Employee Type

Assignment description

We are looking for an experienced consultant with expertise in OT (Operational Technology) to support a municipal company in reviewing and ensuring that their new OT design meets the requirements under the NIS2 Directive.The assignment involves working partly in place with the customer and partly at a distance.

Main responsibilities

You will be responsible for reviewing the proposed OT design from a security and compliance perspective.This includes identifying possible deficiencies and drawing up recommendations for improvements and security measures.The role involves close cooperation with internal teams that work with overall requirements linked to NIS2 and information security.Participation in workshops and meetings with the customer will be central to present results and propose measures.

Mandatory qualifications:

  • Documented experience of working with OT systems.
  • Experience in designing, implementing and maintaining OT networks.
  • Deep understanding of server communication, choice of communication solutions and integration between IT and OT.

It is a merit if you have knowledge of specific requirements and guidelines for municipal companies in socially critical infrastructure.Furthermore, it is an advantage if you have experience in assessing appropriate system sets, firewall solutions and internal interfaces for OT networks.Strong expertise in OT network is necessary to ensure safe and efficient operation.

Job Description
I’m looking for a good designer as partner to work together on projects, that wants to expand his knowledge into the UX/UI and product area to collaborate on medium size projects. We will start with 20 hours per week and we might extend to full time after 2-3 months. First project is on financial instruments with blockchain as backend technology.
On-site in United Arab Emirates
Have good communication skills and team working skill.
Know the principal of animation and you can create high quality prototypes.
Following design system guidelines
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