Project management, Business development, Swedish, AES, Sweden•+2Luleå•Stockholm, Project manager
Roll:Deputy project manager
Length of assignment:2025-01-01 through 2025-12-31 (With the possibility extension to 2027-12-31).
Mission site:Distance (or if the consultant wishes in the Customs Administration's premises in Stockholm or Luleå)
Description:We are now looking for a sub -consultant who can take on the role of assistant project manager.
The project's mission is to establish a new IT support for Swedish exports under EU common legislation.The project works team -based according to Agil Methodology.The Customs Administration needs a consultant who will act as assistant project manager in the project.
The service involves being the one who coordinates and drives business development forward in the project and is part of the management to control the progress and ensure that the focus is on the right analyzes at the right time for requirements, development and management to be continuously rolled on.
The consultant will need to be security classified within the framework of the assignment and the assignment cannot be started before security rating is completed.
The consultant should:
The consultant should have:
Answers are last desired:2024-11-02