ITIL, Exist, Remedy, Economy, Confluence, Documentation, Drift, e- legitimation, Bank-ID, service modeling, Smart cards, Göteborg•+2Stockholm•Sundsvall, Product owner, IT coordinator
Roll: Product manager EFOS Competence level:4
Period: 03-FEB-2025 to 2-Feb-2027 with option of 1+1 year Extent:100% 2000 hours/year Location:Where the consultant is stationed today as agreed Distance:Yes, but by arrangement with clients
Number of consultants: 1 Reply as soon as but last:23-Oct-2025
Assignment description:
The assignment involves overall responsibility for EFOS throughout its life cycle within the framework of operation/ driving, management and development.This includes, for example, responsibility for developing and delivered in accordance with agreed service levels and at the right price.The assignment also involves acting within specified budget frameworks, providing and responsible for orders, responsible for continuous improvement and that incidents and problems are handled according to agreed service levels
The assignment includes :
• To understand, capture needs on the product and ensure that the product is appropriate now and in the long run
• To communicate internally towards the Swedish Social Insurance Agency as well as externally with co -operative authorities
• To operate and establish collaboration forums with other authorities
• To run follow-up and improvement work with external suppliers
• To measure, follow up and report on the product's promised service levels.
The consultant should have: • Competence on coordination of eg ITIL processes, contract management, documentation and finance.
• Competence in IT solutions for e-identification, e.g.BankID, SITHS, EFOS, Freja or equivalent.
• Good expertise in service modeling (good, SDP and SLA).
• Good expertise in contract management (SLA)
• Competence to plan, lead, drive and follow up projects and activities
• Knowledge of the tools Jira and Confluence for planning, documentation of development activities
• At least two (2) years of experience in having worked with collaboration between authorities (with collaboration
is meant joint management/governance and management)
• at least four (4) years of experience working with smart cards
• At least four (4) years of experience working with Pointsharps Net ID Products
• At least four (4) years of experience working with WebTRUST Certification
• At least two (2) years of experience working with the framework ITIL and its processes and how it is used regarding incident and problem management in operating environment
• At least two (2) years of experience working with by BMC Remedy
• one (1) reference assignment that shows experience in any of the areas the call refers to
The consultant should have:
1• Experience in work with EFOS (e-identity for the public sector)
2 • At least two (2) years of experience working with certification for DIGG's quality brand for e-identification.
If you are interested, contact me with:
*CV where experience is evident
*Reference assignment according to Appendix (Document attached to advertisement)
*Completed Requirements (Document attached to advertisement)
Note!A correctly completed requirement matrix is a prerequisite for you to be evaluated as a candidate .