.NET, SQL, REST, System development, T-SQL, ASP, Microsoft SQL Server, WCF, WPF, Swedish, Programming, Communication, CI/CD, RabbitMQ, Azure DevOps Server, C#, Nhibernate, Angular, Norrköping, .NET developer
Assignment description
The authority needs a (1) system development consultant.The consultant will be part of a team of people working with management (maintenance, further development) and new development of a number of IT services that support the customer's operations.The work is done in close cooperation with the business representatives.Examples of operations are vessel reporting, handling of ship termination, pilotage operations and invoice documents and revenue control.The IT services are facing modernization with a focus on further digitalisation and automation.The assignments that will be allocated will continuously be needed.
Last reply date: 2024-12-11
Start end + option: 2025-03-01-2026-02-28 + Option: 6 + 6 months.
Stationing place: Norrköping.Up to 40% of the work can be performed remotely.
Scope: 100%
Security classified: Yes
Ska requirements
-Id the level of competence level 3 (4-8 years).
-Imest four (4) years of experience with .NET (technical platform / framework) over the past eight (8) years.
-Donoust four (4) years of experience in C# (programming language) over the past eight (8) years.
-Imst three (3) years experience with T-SQL /SQL /Microsoft SQL Server over the past five (5) years.
-Donoust three (3) years of experience with WPF (framework for clinic applications, user interfaces) over the past five (5) years.
-Donest three (3) years of experience with WCF (framework for communication between client server and server server) over the past five (5) years.
-Imst three (3) years of experience in the snake tool Nhibernate over the past five (5) years.
-Done three (3) years of experience with the webbrammverket Angular.
-Done three (3) years of experience in agile development in close collaboration with the affected business over the past five (5) years.
-Goda knowledge in Swedish.
Should requirements
-Imst two (2) years of experience in expertise in CI/CD, for example with the help of Azure Devop's server in the form of working with pipelines and automated buildings.
-Done two (2) years of experience working on the working method GIT-Flow for version management of source code.
-D the least one (1) year experience of aspen.Net Core Web Apier based on Rest.
-Dog.m. One (1) year practical experience of system solutions involving the queue manager RabbitMQ.
Reference assignments
In order to ensure that the tenderer has resources and industry experience in the requested area, reference assignments must be provided.Tenderers must have experience of similar assignments of the corresponding nature and scope and where, according to former clients, the delivery is confirmed to have been contracted and satisfactory.
-Referens must be specified from two (2) similar assignments, which have been performed over the past five (5) years (calculated from the last tender day or last application day) on similar items such as: Senior system developer or software architect.
-Ange the reference company's name and organization number.
-Ange the first and last name of the reference person.
-Ange reference person's email address.
-Ange reference person's phone number.
-The reference assignment has been performed during the three (3) last few years from the last tender day.Indicate during which time period the reference assignment has been ongoing.
-There description the reference assignment in such a way that it is clear that it is equivalent to the current procurement objects.